Editorial: The Worst Decision Ever: Modi-fication of Our Nation

By: Iftikhar Islam

To appoint Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014 race – and unnecessary elevate him - is the worst decision BJP has ever made. 

“Elections are challenge for any political party. BJP is also taking it as the biggest challenge,” party president Rajnath Singh said on Sunday at a televised press conference. “I declare him (Modi) as the Chairman of Party’s Election Campaign Committee. We hope that BJP will emerge as alternative to Congress in the next elections.” The moment I heard about the decision made in a three-day dramatic conclave to appoint Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi to hold the BJP flag in 2014 race. I said the decision was worst ever. 

The party should have recognized Narendra Modi who is unnecessarily hyped in the Media in the name of so-called development in the State of Gujarat. The development hyped is in itself debatable and in the presence of senior members, the decision to appoint Narendra Modi is baseless. 

Though L.K. Advani failed in 2009 battle! It was absurd to appoint Narendra Modi instead of this senior Leader as BJP has always laid the principle of collective leadership above the sycophancy of personality cult politics - unlike Congress. The BJP has emerged as an “alternative” to Congress but is now found walking on its path. 

A good leader always makes his way and does not necessarily be on the chair to rule the people. He should allow the seniors to march ahead when it is the matter of collective leadership. Whether it is L. K. Advani or Narendra Modi on the seat, however it is the party who rule with the decisions made collectively. Therefore, it was unnecessary to elevate Modi for Prime Ministerial Candidate instead of Advani. 
Modi-fication of our Nation - Advani
Photo: Hindustan Times 
I wonder why BJP does not understand simple psychology of human nature or is it turning a blind-eye! A person working hard, serving for more than 27 years in making the party strong, continuously giving chances to other leaders; but now when it comes to his part, he is denied to play his part as a leader! It is obvious he cannot work peacefully now and will react in secret or open. As a result he resigned (and reversed) from all the post he held in BJP – It is not a shocking news at all (as BJP members claim to be shocked). “I no longer have the feeling this is the same idealistic party... Most leaders of ours are now concerned just with their personal agendas,” Advani wrote in the letter. 

In fact Mr. Modi is all running for the seat instead of focusing for the real development which my beloved India needs. “Had a detailed conversation with Advaniji on phone. Urged him to change his decision. I hope he will not disappoint lakhs of Karyakartas (workers),” he tweeted, which clearly indicates that he wants the senior leader to step back in the name of ‘karyakartas’! 

It was a chance for Narendra Modi to display his true qualities of leadership by taking his step behind and should have given chance to his senior colleague. He would also have sent a message to his followers saying that getting a seat is not a goal, transforming India is what we want. This would have generated greater impact on the followers and also retained respect from senior leaders too. 

There are many who are against Modi to be the Prime Ministerial Candidate. He has elevated with the support of RSS. It is an open secret that the BJP is handled by RSS and it is not a good sign for a party like BJP, unless BJP cannot stand on its own. 

It was L.K Advani who engineered BJP as a “National Party” and he is the same person who prevented Narendra Modi from resigning post 2002 riots. If Advani is not in the party then NDA will be weaken to the core. 

There is no need of Modi’fication of our Nation. Narendra modi deliberately didn’t stop the riots and failed miserably in his leadership attire. This stamp is permanent on him and irreparable. The country is very much in need of a secular leader who can solve the real problems of this Nation. With the mind set and regulation from RSS and VHP any party cannot claim to be a “National” party. It is high time to rethink and decide, is BJP really an alternative to Congress or we need some other alternatives.

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