EXTREMIST: Islam or EDL? Anti-Muslim attacks on rise

It is nothing new to this community being attacked for the faith they have. It is continuously being attacked behind the vibrant title of “Freedom of Speech and Expression”. Some have problem with the dress Muslim women wear, some have the problem with the beard, and some hate them for the misconception they have! Problems galore!

Right to Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom to Abuse, Slander, or Attack on the dignity of any person or faith. Right to Dignity is far beyond than the Right to Freedom and Expression.

Whenever anyone has some problems, a sensible person would go to the root cause of the problem and get solutions easily.

The Times of India reported “Hate crime statistics from police forces in 2011/2012 show that there were 35,816 race hate crimes in the year with 1,621 faith hate crimes being recorded.” More than half of the incidents were linked with the organization called English Defense League (EDL).

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