Playing with emotions - Until when will it last

By: Iftikhar Islam

Since the Jaipur Literature Festival and the hue-and-cry of Salman Rushdie we come across every section playing with the sentiments of whole community. On one hand the lethargic political leaders’ silence and on the other the cunning media, each playing their wily part in hurting the feelings of Muslims.

There were debates held on the issue. Full shows were dedicated on this matter. And most astonishingly there were no good speaker from Muslim world invited. The media is continuously playing with the sentiments of the whole community who is united on the issue of Salman Rushdie, is being labeled as “Fundamentalist”, “Fanatic” and what not!

The discussion on so called “Freedom of expression” lacks the speakers who too have the right to express their views. Even if the speaker is invited to take part his view are cut-off, interrupted, manipulated, and the views against are promoted generously. It is not all the time we see freedom. Freedom is incomplete without emotions. Freedom is always backed by responsibilities.

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