When you don’t value the time of your subordinates, you can’t become a good Leader

Time is very essential element in our life. And if you are a Leader your time is very much valuable. One of the characteristics of a good leader is that he has much value of time. Leader always carries others time along with him, he should be very careful in utilizing it. He should be always calculative when performing duties.

When a leader comes on time to the meetings, etc. he not only save the precious time of him but also of his subordinates. But on the contrary when you make your subordinates, or your clients wait for a long time, you may be utilizing your time effectively but others time is lost unnecessary. When you don’t value the time of your subordinates, you can’t become a good leader.

If you have to attend the meeting with your ten subordinates, and if you are late by five minutes. May be you have utilized that five minutes of yours, but you have wasted the five precious minutes of ten people. In reality you have wasted 50 minutes of other people to utilize the five minutes of yours.
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