Our Attitude towards Children in mosque

By: Iftikhar Islam

Whenever I visit mosque for prayers, especially on Fridays, I witness a common behavior of adults with children. Children are separated from the main rows and pushed behind to form a new separate row exclusive of Children. They are separated in such a manner which affects the psychology of Children. Usually they come early for prayers and to listen ‘Friday Khutba’ – with parents, friends or alone – and occupy front rows. At the time of Congregation (Jama’a) they are pushed behind to form a new row or usually they have to stand out of the mosque or in hot sun, and amazingly many of the brothers even push children while they are praying. What effect will the child have when he is pushed during prayers? Do you think your prayers are better than them?

If you come late you don’t deserve the front rows, you don’t even have the authority to send any one back and occupy his place. Prophet (peace be upon him) strongly prohibited cutting rows and coming front and imagine when you send someone back to occupy his seat, is it not more disliked??

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