Editorial: The making of Terrorists: Terrorism by Police and Politicians

By: Iftikhar Islam 

After Gujarat, is it Bihar next?

In the city of Bihar, Forbesganj, the shocking incident led to the killing of a young boy and the killer is professionally trained by our Indian government (to protect the civilians and maintain peace in the society). Yes, I am talking about the Police. A police shot down a young boy (age 18 or 21) and when he saw him alive he brutally killed him to death in front of all, including SP of Araria district, Bihar. I was shocked to see the brutal killing by police.

(Also watch related videos on Forbesganj)

Later it was known that, it may be some kind of “personal” hatred which could have led to the heinous incident. But I believe it was the ransom money (corruption) given to the police against the Forbesganj people. It was because the people were protesting for a road to connect to their village and the government authority continuously neglected as usual and gave permission for a factory - whose Managing Director is the son of a politician - which comes directly in the mid of the road which connects to the village. The protest was of forcible land acquisition. This acquisition, also, violates the 2nd June agreement done between villagers and company.
Mohammad Mustafa Ansari
When the villagers protested, the police force arrived and started shooting by the order of SP, who got an order from Dy. CM’s office. Four died in the incident which includes a pregnant woman and a 10-month-old baby. All shot in the chest or heads with multiple bullet wounds which clearly indicates the intention of police. If the police of our beloved India is so irresponsible, then where should a common citizen go? If police are in the pocket of politicians, then how our society would be free from crimes? If this is the situation, then I say politicians and police together are creating terrorists. Don’t you think, the villagers should retaliate? And if the villagers retaliate to these kinds of incidents, then God save our country.

“All the Forbesganj victims happen to be Muslims. Reports say that the BJP leader, who owned the factory against which the protest was organised, too joined the police in firing at the villagers” writes Nadim Asrar, a blog writer of IBNLive. Nitish Kumar stays away from one Modi of Gujarat and befriend with another Modi of same Character. What a double standards!!!

The Corruption is continuously killing innocent citizens and our so called leaders are busy in fighting with each other, they are interested only about their seat. Even in the grave situations they never forget to play politics.

It is we, the youth, who can transform India and change the situation. We have to fight against corruption and hatred against particular society, especially which is prevailing among the government authorities. If we succeed in fighting against these evils, we have achieved a lot. And if the same situation prevails, then let the Indians only dream of a developed India. 

It’s high time Indians should wake up from their slumber and stand up to take a step that would throw out such politicians and police personnel, for God’s sake we live in a democratic country, we should exercise our rights in the right way. These corrupt people would again loot India the way Britishers did. Are we only going to sit down in front of our T.V. sets and watch news after news on corruption and say “what will happen of India?” or are we going to take a step forward and say “We will transform India”. Let’s join hands and think above the lingua franca and make India a safer corrupt-free country.

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